На роутер можно поставить простой прокси сервер elhttp, который входит в стандартный пакет kamikaze.Откомпилированную версию можно скачать отсюда elhttp.

Краткий хелп:

elhttp : the extra-light http proxy server

Program usage

[+] Inetd mode : add in /etc/inetd.conf

webcache stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/local/bin/elhttp elhttp 0 /var/tmp/elhttp.log 1

[+] Daemon mode (default) :

elhttp [proxy port] [authorized ip] [network mask] [logfile] [CONNECT method flag]

elhttp 3128 proxy_log.txt 1

Default parameters:

port = 8208
auth_ip =
netmask =
logfile = ""
connect = 2

* if connect = 0 : CONNECT method not allowed.

* if connect = 1 : CONNECT method allowed to remote port 443 (https) only.

* if connect > 1 : CONNECT method allowed to any port without restrictions.

These default parameters are not secure: everyone has access to the proxy, no logging is done and the http CONNECT method is enabled. It is thus highly recommended to setup more restrictive parameters when starting elhttp. Reporting bugs, asking for features
My email address can be found at:

Special thanks to
* Le Hong Anh <anhlh.dvkh@gpc.com.vn> for discovering the
child thread handle bug


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